
Tell Employees You Sold The Business

Want Honest Advice On How To Tell Employees You Sold The Business?

When and how do you tell employees that you sold the business? I’ve yet to speak with a business owner who...

7 min read
EBITDA Adjustments

How To Avoid Committing The Worst EBITDA Adjustment Mistakes Before Your Liquidity Event

EBITDA adjustments can either make or break your liquidity event. What is EBITDA?  EBITDA is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and...

6 min read
Questions Business Owners Must Ask

Here Are 5 Of The Most Powerful Questions Every Business Owner Must Ask

Do you know the five questions business owners must ask to achieve ultimate success? If you want to change your life...

7 min read
Liquidity Event Mistakes

5 Costly Liquidity Event Mistakes That Will Make You Cry

Did you know that liquidity event mistakes cause 75% to 90% of businesses listed for sale to fail? The irony is...

7 min read
Enterprise Value

Enterprise Value: What You Need To Know To Succeed And Prosper

When it comes to your liquidity event, do you know how to maximize your enterprise value? Most business owners should know...

7 min read
Liquidity Event Mindset

This is What Happens When You Have A Winning Liquidity Event Mindset

How do you create a liquidity event mindset that has you dominate and win? When it comes to your liquidity event,...

6 min read
Ready For A Liquidity Event

Why You’ll Be Wealthy And Happy When You’re Ready For Your Liquidity Event

What would you do you if you knew that you weren’t ready for your liquidity event? If you’re like most business...

7 min read
Deal Value

Deal Value: What You Need To Know To Succeed And Prosper

Why do most business owners leave the majority of their deal value in the buyers’ pockets? Whether it’s a full exit...

6 min read
M&A Deal Killers

5 Stupid M&A Deal Killers That Are Robbing You Of Enormous Success

Do you know the M&A deal killers that will stop your liquidity event and rob you of your financial freedom? Most...

6 min read
M&A Lawyer

Everything You Need To Know Before You Hire An M&A Lawyer

Do you know how to choose an M&A lawyer that will help you succeed with your liquidity event? If you think...

6 min read

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