The best way to build credibility is to publish a book. Jeffrey Feldberg, host of The Deep Wealth Podcast, speaks with Joshua Lisec, America’s most expensive ghostwriter. Joshua is also referred to by many as the world’s best business ghostwriter.
Joshua Lisec is best known in the industry as “the world’s best ghostwriter”. He has written over 80 books for heavyweights in the industry such as CEOs, celebrities, and entrepreneurs. These authors have made remarkable profit through their authority-establishing books, emphasizing Joshua’s unparalleled expertise in his craft. Besides being a renowned ghostwriter, he is also recognized as the only Certified Ghostwriter and Certified Hypnotist globally.
The business world is ever-evolving, and one innovative path that many modern CEOs, founders, and entrepreneurs take is penning their stories, success secrets, and strategies in books. But with busy schedules, most of them do not have the time or expertise to write effectively, leading them to turn to ghostwriting.
The Helix of Ghostwriting and Hypnosis
Joshua Lisec’s success as a ghostwriter is anchored on the integration of his cack skills in ghostwriting and hypnosis. Lisec affirms that hypnosis does not involve mystical manipulation stagecraft. Instead, it focuses on subconscious memory alteration to change individuals’ beliefs, subsequently influencing their behaviors. He leverages this approach in his ghostwriting career, crediting it for his ability to change readers’ reality through informative and belief-altering content.
A ghostwriter pens a work, such as a book or an article, credited to another individual. Lisec operates in this space, helping business people share their stories and systems through well-written books, ensuring these written works capture the essence of the author’s voice and authenticity.
At the core of Joshua’s ghostwriting process is the author’s experience and narrative. Starting with rigorous questioning, he digs deep into each author’s experiences and craft stories. Using his hypnosis skills, Joshua subtly alters the readers’ beliefs, persuading them to buy into the lessons and insights offered in the books.
Lisec explained, “My authors are my client, they’re not the customer. The reader is the buyer. If we center the reader and what they want from the book, that allows us to write a useful book.”
The Role of Ghostwriting in Business Success
Contrary to what many might think, ghostwriting involves more than merely the act of penning a script. The process is detailed, beginning with a series of conversations for the ghostwriter to grasp the author’s ideas, thoughts, stories, and expertise. The ghostwriter then transforms these into a comprehensive and engaging script.
“The Secret Sauce is completely unrelated to book writing…Think of a book as a standard operating procedure. How do you know it worked? And that one question stumps a lot of aspiring authors and frankly turns them away because then they think, oh, so my book is not all about me?” Lisec explained.
Nowadays, the essence of intellectual property (IP) is well-understood and appreciated among business owners and entrepreneurs. IPs such as patents, trademarks, and trade secrets significantly increase the value of a business. Importantly, IP also includes the business owners’ unique insights, systems, and stories, which provide a distinct competitive edge. Unfortunately, these unique narratives often go undocumented, thus losing their value. Adopting ghostwriting to document these narratives thus lays the foundation for substantive opportunities.
In his book, “So Good They Call You A Fake,” Joshua shares valuable insights about the marketplace. He says that in today’s global economy where everyone is a self-proclaimed expert, you need to stand out. The way to do this is not to create raving fans but to cultivate organic critics. The criticisms help command attention to your products or services. In the process of defending your talent, people get curious and invest time learning about you – and that’s what matters.
Ghostwriting requires a commitment of only two to three hours per week from the author. The process begins with an interview where Joshua asks questions and obtains information to create a compelling narrative. After he compiles a draft, the author reviews and gives feedback. This cycle continues until both parties are satisfied with the book’s content. From start to finish, the process takes approximately five to eight months.
Embracing the Negative: The Flipside of Success
In a bid to stand out, Joshua Lisec encourages his clients to be contrarians in their approach. By delivering exceptional results that spark a wave of critics and naysayers, they’re able to command attention, as skeptical readers seek to debunk their claimed achievements. The net effect is increased visibility and attention. Lisec deepens this insight in his book, “So Good They Call You A Fake”, where he explicates the importance of authenticity and embodying the results you claim to have achieved.
Ghostwriting offers a professional approach to writing, ensuring the end product is well-aligned to industry standards, unlike most self-published books, which often lack the necessary refinement. Lisec stressed the importance of professionalism, explaining that a poorly presented self-published book could be detrimental to the author’s credibility.
The journey of ghostwriting doesn’t end at producing a fantastic manuscript. Joshua Lisec take up the responsibility of ghost publishing, designing industry-standard materials, formulating metadata, designing graphics, and making sure that the product is presented in a winning way to the target audience.
Ghostwriting continues to be a relevant service despite the growing popularity of self-publishing. As Lisec explained, “Anyone can author a book, and just about anyone does, and that’s why more than 90 percent of books available on Amazon sell fewer than 10 copies in their lifetime.”
The importance of standing out in the sea of published works cannot be overstated. This is where the expertise of a professional ghostwriter becomes invaluable, crafting the author’s uniqueness into an immersive reading experience that yields results.
Indeed, ghostwriting has the potential to transform businesses and create an unparalleled image of authority. Joshua Lisec’s method of integrating hypnosis techniques into ghostwriting creates hypnotic books that possess an enticing appeal to readers, giving them the needed change they desire. His craft goes beyond creating a beautiful publication. It aids in establishing a lasting business funnel that ensures the incremental growth of business ventures, fortifying the belief and mantra that every business story is worth sharing and can bring monumental change to the reader.
Joshua’s philosophy is that a book must be a persuasion device. As a ghostwriter, he ensures that he gives the reader exactly what they are looking for – reasons for change. He helps his authors structure their story in a way that resonates with readers and establishes the author as an authority on the subject. He uses a “hypnotic book” writing approach that draws readers into the narrative and guides them seamlessly from one page to the next. If you’re looking for a way to get your story out there while still focusing on your busy endeavors, then ghostwriting may just be the solution for you.
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