Post-Exit Entrepreneur Jeffrey Feldberg Shares From Startup to Exit: The Key Traits For Entrepreneurial Success

5 min read

Well, hello, Deep Wealth Nation! I’m smiling ear to ear. I was recently speaking with a Deep Wealth Mastery graduate. This entrepreneur said no to an eight-figure offer, enrolled in Deep Wealth Mastery, and then closed on a nine-figure deal. It’s success stories like these that fuel my passion.

I’m pulling back the curtain on three traits that separate the barely-getting-by entrepreneurs from those dominating their industries. We’re talking about resilience, strategic thinking, and adaptability. These are the traits that make a difference when it’s time to exit your business.

Let’s be real. You don’t have time to waste. You are already successful, running a business, and making critical decisions daily. But are you maximizing your profits along the way? Are you enjoying the process? Are you building a business that’s ready for a future exit, giving you financial freedom?

If you’re ready to stop playing small and start thinking big, stick around. I’m going to show you how the most successful entrepreneurs think, act, and dominate.

Trait One: Resilience Is The Cornerstone of Success

Resilience is more than toughing it out when times get hard. It’s the grit that keeps you moving forward because of the challenges, not in spite of them. In my experience, resilience trumps resources every time. It helps transform setbacks into setups for your next big win.

This trait isn’t just about toughing it out when times get hard. It’s about thriving in the face of challenges. Resilience is a key factor that makes you stand out. It helps you turn setbacks into setups for your next big win.

Think about it this way: You’re not surviving despite the challenges, you’re succeeding because of them. Resilience trumps resources. It’s what helps you uncover your X-Factors – those unique elements that make your business invaluable.

I remember when I was building my e-learning business, Embanet. There were times when we faced failure after failure. But it was resilience that saw us through. Competitors had bigger teams and more money, but we had resilience. We innovated, adapted, and it paid off in a big way.

You won’t find your X-Factors when everything’s going smoothly. They’re buried under layers of challenges and problems. When you’re resilient, you dig deep and see opportunities where others see roadblocks. Resilience makes you look at setbacks as signals pointing you towards what truly sets your business apart from the competition.

Take my e-learning business, Embanet. In the beginning, we faced failure after failure. Competitors had deeper pockets, bigger teams, and massive marketing budgets. What kept us going was resilience. This resilience found our X-Factors, like our 24/7 technical support and exceptional customer service, which later secured deep partnerships with top universities.

Market shifts and competitive pressures are inevitable. Resilience is not just about bouncing back but thriving in uncertainty. It’s about mastering the art of preparation. No plan survives first contact with reality, but being ready to adapt when things go sideways is crucial.

Your resilience prepares you to roll with the punches and come out stronger. It also builds a culture of resilience within your team. When you demonstrate resilience, your team is more likely to adopt the same mindset. This creates a resilient culture that can weather any storm.

I remember a time during our liquidity event at Embanet. The deal seemed lost, and everyone thought it was over. But our resilience, our belief, and our determination got us back on track. Without it, there wouldn’t have been a nine-figure deal.

Trait Two: Strategic Thinking To Play Chess in a Checkers World

Most entrepreneurs either make it big or fail because of a lack of strategic thinking. Don’t confuse activity with progress. It’s not enough to work hard or take risks. You must think strategically to maximize profits and ensure your business has real value tomorrow.

Most entrepreneurs miss the mark here. They focus on today’s problems and forget the bigger picture. But successful entrepreneurs play chess, not checkers. They look ahead and plan for the future. You have to think about your endgame and align every decision with your long-term goals.

Let’s revisit the story of Embanet. Early on, we noticed a trend: it was getting harder for our customers to enroll students. We strategically pivoted and began to master marketing, ensuring our seats stayed filled. This strategic thinking set us apart from the competition and created a market disruption.

Strategic thinkers build real wealth. They’re always looking ahead, positioning themselves for long-term success, not just today’s win. You need to hit today’s targets, but you also need to focus on what will make your business valuable in the long term.

By thinking strategically, you’ll uncover your X-Factors. These are the unique elements that make your business irresistible to clients and future buyers. Without strategic thinking, you’ll miss your X-Factors entirely.

Successful strategic thinkers play chess while others play checkers. They think about their end game and align today’s decisions with their long-term goals. They ask tough questions about their end game, ensuring that each decision today sets them up for success tomorrow.

At Embanet, we saw trends that our customers struggled to get students. Seeing this inflection point, we pivoted and learned how to market effectively. This wasn’t sudden; it was strategic thinking that led us to create new X-Factors and cause a market disruption.

Always ask yourself: Are you thinking strategically enough? Are you setting yourself up for future success or getting bogged down by today’s problems? Focus on making your business valuable to both current and future customers. Position yourself for long-term success, not just short-term gains.

Trait Three: Adaptability To Embrace And Thrive On Change

Adaptability is not about reacting to change after it happens. It’s about anticipating change, preparing for it, and capitalizing on it. The only constant in business is change. If you’re too rigid, your business will stagnate and eventually decline.

This trait isn’t about reacting to change but anticipating it and capitalizing on it. The business world is always changing. If you’re too rigid, you’ll not only stagnate but also decline.

Being adaptable means you’re prepared for any market shift. You don’t just survive; you thrive. For example, when competitors emerge or customer preferences change, an adaptable business recalibrates its strategy.

When we identified the need to not only keep students in seats but also fill those seats, we adapted. We learned new skills and applied them, ensuring Embanet’s continued success.

Adaptability positions your business to thrive no matter what happens in the market. Successful entrepreneurs are always evolving, refining strategies, and adjusting course when needed. They think about how to stay in business not just for a year, but for ten years or more.

An adaptable business is more attractive to customers and future buyers. When a market shift happens, adaptable entrepreneurs reassess and leverage their X-Factors to stay ahead.

Adaptability means being proactive and addressing challenges before they become major issues. It also helps to uncover hidden potential in your business. Most assets like intellectual property or untapped market segments need adaptability to be fully leveraged.

For example, adaptability is crucial when finding Rembrandts in your business attic. Hidden gems and intellectual property only become valuable when you’re willing to reposition your business around them.

Continuously evolving and exploring new markets ensures that you’re always relevant. Those businesses that stop adapting and get too comfortable are no longer here today. Always think about putting yourself out of business into a bigger, more profitable business.

Ask yourself: When things change, are you ready to pivot and lead? Or are you stuck clinging to the past? The winners are not the ones resisting change but those who embrace it and see it as an opportunity.

Final Thoughts

Success comes from mastering resilience, thinking strategically, and being adaptable. These traits are non-negotiable. You either have them or you’re on the fast track to mediocrity.

In closing, let’s revisit the three traits—resilience, strategic thinking, and adaptability. Master these, and you’ll not only build a business that survives but one that thrives. Success isn’t just about numbers. It’s about turning failures into opportunities, positioning yourself for long-term success, and adapting to every market shift.

Take action today. Don’t wait for the market to test you. Test yourself. Build a business that’s not just profitable today but more valuable tomorrow. Embrace these three essential traits, and you’ll see that success is not about numbers in a spreadsheet or just hard work. It’s about mastering resilience, thinking strategically, and adapting to an ever-changing world.

Ready to take the next step? Join the 90-day Deep Wealth Mastery Program and set yourself up for success. Click here to start the process.

Never underestimate the power of preparation and, most importantly, never underestimate yourself. Start today and build a business that thrives.

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