Scientist And Health Expert Morley Robbins Shares Everything You Should Know About Health But Probably Don’t (And What You Can Do)

4 min read

Our health is our first wealth. Nine-figure post-exit entrepreneur and host of the Deep Wealth Podcast, Jeffrey Feldberg speaks with Morley Robbins, widely known as the Magnesium Man, to uncover profound insights about health and wellness. This conversation uncovers Morley’s expertise on how critical elements like magnesium and copper play in our well-being and bust common myths surrounding various supplements. Let’s dive into some of the most eye-opening takeaways from their discussion.

Morley Robbins is renowned in natural healing circles for his pioneering work with magnesium and the Root Cause Protocol. Originally serving for 32 years in hospital administration, a health crisis transformed his career trajectory towards natural healing. His journey led to the creation of the Magnesium Advocacy Group and his dedication to educating on mineral imbalances, boasting over 7,500 consultations worldwide.

“Robbins has conducted over 7,500 consultations worldwide, dedicating himself to educating people on overcoming fatigue and chronic diseases by addressing mineral imbalances, particularly through the Root Cause Protocol,” noted Feldberg.

A New Perspective on Vitamin Supplements and Health

Breaking Down the Supplement Myths

The conversation kicked off with a startling declaration: stop taking iron supplements and foods fortified with iron. Morley highlighted the iron overload issue, emphasizing that most of our iron needs are met through recycling existing iron in our bodies rather than from external sources. Excess iron, as it turns out, can accelerate the aging process by creating reactive oxygen species, effectively rusting our bodies from the inside out.

The Controversy of Vitamin D3 Supplements

One of the biggest revelations was the advice to stop taking Vitamin D3 supplements. Despite popular belief, Morley presented a convincing argument that our low vitamin D levels indicate underlying issues, such as iron accumulation and magnesium deficiency, rather than a need for more vitamin D3. Cod liver oil, rich in natural vitamin A and D, was suggested as a better alternative.

“Low vitamin D is correlated with high inflammation, which is actually driven by iron accumulation. Taking vitamin D3 supplements can exacerbate this problem,” emphasized Robbins.

The Hidden Risks of Calcium Supplements

Morley also advised avoiding calcium supplements, which are traditionally recommended for bone health. He explained that true bone health relies on enzymes activated by magnesium and copper, not just calcium intake. Calcium supplements can disrupt this delicate balance and lead to other health issues.

The Myth Of Iron Supplements

“Iron activates the enzyme that cleaves calcium from the bone, and magnesium is critical for countering this. Calcium supplements do not address this balance,” he explained.

Understanding the Nutritive Balance

Zinc Supplements: Friend or Foe?

Breaking another popular myth, Morley discussed the adverse effects of zinc supplements. Although zinc is essential, its supplementation, especially in high doses, can block copper absorption, leading to deficiencies that can disrupt key metabolic processes.

“Zinc stimulates a protein that binds up copper, which is vital for various bodily functions. This disrupts the energy production in our cells,” Robbins noted.

Synthetic Supplements and Sweeteners

Morley also discussed the dangers of synthetic forms of ascorbate (vitamin C), high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners. These substances can interfere with our natural biological processes and contribute to various health problems.

The Hidden Culprit Otherwise Known as Molybdenum

“In farming, molybdenum in spring grass binds up copper in grazing animals, making them sick. The same principle applies to humans,” Robbins said.

Stop Using One-A-Day Multivitamins

Instead of being a one-stop solution, one-a-day multivitamins can be problematic.

“The ratios are often wrong, and the ingredients are usually synthetic. They create confusing signals for your body,” Robbins advised.

The Impact of Industrial Seed Oils

Industrial seed oils, such as soybean and canola oil, were another hot topic. These oils, prevalent in processed foods, are highly inflammatory and can disrupt metabolic health. Morley emphasized the importance of reverting to traditional fats like butter and lard, which are much healthier options.

Stop Using Synthetic Forms of Ascorbate and Citric Acid

Robbins is critical of synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and citric acid.

“Ascorbic acid blocks the uptake of copper and disrupts its utilization in the body. Whole food vitamin C is a better option,” he suggested.

Stop Using High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Artificial Sweeteners

These substances are pervasive in processed foods and harmful to health.

Stop Using Industrial Omega-6 Oils

Commonly found in processed foods, these oils are not beneficial.

“Seed oils like soybean and canola oil are problematic. They become toxic when exposed to heat and light, causing inflammation,” Robbins explained.

Stop Using Fluoride

Despite its popularity in dental care, fluoride can be harmful.

“Fluoride is highly reactive and loves to steal electrons, disrupting numerous biochemical processes in the body. It’s a toxic element,” Robbins warned.

Stop Eating Low-Fat, High-Carb, Processed Foods

Robbins advocates for an ancestral diet rich in fats and low in carbs.

“Ancestral diets high in animal protein and fats are more aligned with our biology and support better health outcomes,” he said.

Environmental Toxins and Health

Avoiding Fluoride

Contrary to widespread dental advice, Morley warned against fluoride, present in many water supplies and toothpaste. He cited historical manipulations and the toxic nature of fluoride, urging listeners to opt for fluoride-free products and purified water.

Colloidal Silver and Low-Fat Diets

The discussion also touched upon colloidal silver, often touted as a natural antibiotic. Morley pointed out that silver can disrupt copper metabolism, suggesting copper-rich diets instead. Moreover, he debunked the low-fat diet myth, stressing the health benefits of traditional high-fat, low-carb diets.

“Silver disrupts crucial enzymes and blocks copper metabolism. Copper is the original antibiotic,” Robbins pointed out.

Limiting Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Finally, Morley talked about minimizing exposure to environmental toxins, such as unchecked blue light and EMFs from electronic devices. He provided practical tips to reduce these exposures, such as turning off devices an hour before bed and using blue light-blocking glasses.

“Be mindful of your exposure to these modern-day toxins. Limit device usage before bed and filter your water to reduce these risks,” Robbins recommended.

Moving Forward with Confidence and Clarity

As the podcast drew to a close, Morley left listeners with actionable insights:

  • Prioritize whole foods over synthetic supplements.
  • Focus on nutrient-dense, traditional diets to support metabolic health.
  • Be mindful of environmental impacts on your health.

Morley’s compelling narrative encourages us all to reconsider the mainstream health advice we’ve been following and to seek deeper understanding and more natural pathways to well-being.

“We’re here to provide tangible steps that you can take to regain control of your health by understanding how your body truly works,” Robbins concluded.

Connect with Morley Robbins

To dive deeper into Morley Robbins’s work, you can visit the Root Cause Protocol website here, or reach out to Morley directly via email at

For a more in-depth guide on these health principles, check out Morley’s book, “Cure Your Fatigue: The Root Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own,” available on Amazon.

Remember, your journey to optimal health starts with informed choices and a commitment to understanding the real story behind what we put into our bodies. Stay tuned for more episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast, where we continue to uncover essential insights for entrepreneurs seeking to thrive in all areas of life.

As always, consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your health regimen.

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