In a fast-paced world dominated by everything digital, taking care of ourselves has never been more important. Everyday, we’re faced with the challenge of maintaining our personal and business deep wealth. Jeffrey Feldberg, host of The Deep Wealth Podcast, speak with the renowned Dr. Matt Archer. Jeffrey and Dr. Archer dives into a critical dialogue about the significance of health in business.
Dr. Matt’s Health Revolution
Dr. Matt Archer brings to the table his unique solution to various health issues manifested via weak stomach acids. Sharing that almost everyone is zinc deficient, Dr. Matt explains that this common health issue has deep-seated implications in our overall wellbeing. To highlight, the lack of zinc in our body hinders us from producing stomach acids, making it difficult to absorb nutrients from food.
A solution he has mastered over the years is a unique protocol involving supplementing with zinc alongside boosting stomach acid, thereby balancing the gut microbiome and aiding in effective nutrient absorption.
The task of fully applying Dr. Matt’s health protocol may appear daunting due to its complexity. However, the protocol offers astonishing health benefits that outweigh the initial efforts made. In fact, the protocol has shown incredible effectiveness in resolving seemingly unbearable symptoms linked to various health conditions.
Taking a leap forward from traditional medical approaches, Dr. Archer has adopted a unique chiropractic methodology. His innovative technique concentrates on simplifying healthcare, focusing on the foundational aspects, and comprehensively addressing causative issues that are integral to our nervous system.
Unexpected Solutions For Your Health
In their conversation, Dr. Archer delves deeper into how stomach acid and zinc can dramatically affect one’s health. Weak stomach acid, he says, inhibits nutrient absorption, particularly important elements like calcium, magnesium, and B12. Contradicting most mainstream beliefs, he emphasizes how everyone’s zinc deficient. Further, weak stomach acid often allows pathogens to survive, leading to gut-related issues which are a root cause of many health problems.
One crucial point Dr. Matt Archer emphasizes is to always start by addressing the digestive aspect of your health. Using stomach acid and essential nutrients like zinc can you begin effective digestion. This approach, coupled with the eradication of intestinal infections, is fundamental in improving health.
On physical activity, Dr. Archer emphasizes the importance of movement for health, particularly walking. He says, “If a person will just walk 40 minutes a day, five or six days a week, it is remarkable how much that accomplishes.”
While the identified steps may seem overbearing for busy entrepreneurs, change does not need to be instantaneous, but can progress gradually. Dr. Matt explains that it takes around eight weeks of consistent efforts in implementing his health protocol to notice concrete changes.
So, what’s the secret to this correlation between health and wealth? The connection is simple. A healthy body and mind can fuel your power to strategize, disrupt markets, and ultimately pave the path to a successful liquidity event.
But he presents a simple yet effective solution to these issues. By supplementing with zinc and boosting stomach acid simultaneously, the body’s ability to utilize nutrients dramatically enhances, resulting in overall improved health outcomes.
Through the application of the protocol, patients have reported a remarkable improvement in their energy levels, sleep quality, digestion, and overall physical vitality.
Conclusion: Your First Wealth is Your Health
In the grand scheme of things, it’s essential to keep in mind the underlying message from the Deep Wealth Podcast: “Our first wealth is our health”. This principle reminds us always to prioritize our health, for it is the wellspring from which all other dimensions of our life flow.
In the realm of business, recognizing the value of our personal health plays a crucial role in our overall business performance. By integrating a healthy lifestyle and habits into our daily routine, we can significantly enhance our business productivity and personal sense of wellbeing.
With the health tips and insights shared by Dr. Matt, we can reshape our health narrative and cultivate a lifestyle that balances our business ambitions and personal wellness. As we continue navigating the business world, let’s remember not to overlook the most critical facet of our lives – our health.
Remember, in every step we take towards business success, let’s carry with us the mantra, “My first wealth is my health.”
(Note: The information provided through this podcast and article are purely educational. It does not constitute medical advice. Consult your physician or other qualified health providers before implementing any health plan.)
A special thanks to business owners like you and experts like Dr. Matt Archer who took the time to share their personal experiences and wisdom. Your story contributes to the collective knowledge that helps propel everyone towards success.
Remember to check out The Protocol for Health: Seven Unexpected Solutions and take the first step to reimagining your health journey.
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